Tomfoolery Tuesday: Episode Two
Ava, Hailey, Christos and Sidney are back to find out what makes people scared.
The Student Newspaper of Herkimer College
Ava, Hailey, Christos and Sidney are back to find out what makes people scared.
Radio-TV club members Hailey, Ava, Sidney and Christos dish on just about everything from music to fast food in the debut episode of Tuesday Tomfoolery!
Sidney Gillogly asks Herkimer College students to share the most fun they’ve had on campus.
Communication & Media student Sam Walz asks members of the college community what they might change about the campus.
Host Lyla Williams anchors the podcast desk and talks to HCCC students Isabella Suppa and Ally Civetta about campus life and a whole lot more.
In the Fashion Merchandising classroom on April 10th, Ah-Jhanay Daise convenes with Genesis Sanchez Alvarez. They are making a bikini top with colorful bubble beads. …
Amnesty International at Herkimer College is a member group of the 60+ year-old worldwide organization, Amnesty International, which works to defend people whenever JUSTICE, TRUTH, …
Round two! Which celebrity wardrobe would you choose from? Hosted by Mia Soleil-Saintil and produced by Communication & Media major Lyla Williams.
A successful turnout to the Flying Under the Radar event presented by Pablo Campos on April 3. Campos is an Active Minds presenter who shares …
Many in education make use of AI-powered services in their daily lives, including voice assistants in their homes, grammar checkers, sentence completion apps, and essay …