July 26, 2024


The General is the student newspaper of Herkimer County Community College.

Our goal is to build a community that provides fact-based, unbiased, and reliable news for campus community. The General features continuous, student-driven campus coverage during fall and spring semesters.

Join the Team

Are you a Herkimer College student interested in serving in a staff position or contributing a story? Please contact Advising Editor Blake Pitcher at [email protected].




Rees Trenholm is a Communication and Media student with a passion for creating high-quality content. Rees recently moved back to the USA after living overseas for 13 years. Influenced by his cross-cultural experiences, he loves to travel and meet new people. His favorite pastime is spending time outdoors creating photos and videos. You can also find him fishing working on his car or working out.


Lyla Williams is a Communication & Media major at HCCC. She is regularly involved in Fashion Club and has previously been involved with Theater Club and other on-campus media activities.

Opinion Policy Guidelines

  • The length of opinion pieces must be 1,000 words or less.
  • No profanity.
  • Opinions must be evidence-based, with supporting sources as needed.
  • No personal attacks.
  • The General encourages pieces that foster a respectful dialogue.