July 27, 2024
Screenshot of Herkimer College's Instagram Page

Stir-crazy? Here’s how to #HerkFromHome

We are entering our second month in self-quarantine with only a little left of school ahead of us. At this time it’s easy to fall prey to stir craziness and boredom, but here are some free online activities to keep you busy.


On this list, you’ll find virtual museum tours, zoo enclosure live streams, and a variety of online entertainment options.

OR, if you’re trying to limit your time spent online maybe it’s time to pick up some new hobbies like knitting, painting, indoor gardening, sewing, and baking/cooking. Maybe you had an activity that you really used to love but haven’t had the time to do because of your busy life.

Personally, I have had time to work on my passion project of writing a novel and finishing the restoration of an old dresser. When my eyes need a break from the computer I put on a podcast and sand away. It’s important to find a balance of mentally and physically active things to do now that we aren’t pacing the halls of Johnson Hall.

Above all else, it’s key to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. If that means making a cup of hot chocolate and binging a Netflix series with your cat or finally breaking in that exercise bike, then so be it.

Some students and staff are sharing their activities with the #HerkFromHome hashtag.

For @HerkimerCollegeLibrary on Instagram, #HerkFromHome means taking part in their mobile book club:

Tell us about your #HerkFromHome stories and how you’re keeping busy during this quarantine.

Use the hashtag on social media so we can see your work!

Sage Kuhlman

Sage Kuhlman is a Communication & Media student at Herkimer College who is interested in social issues, LGBTQ+ activism, and podcasts.

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