Drew Drake, an actor in the docudrama Friend of a Friend: Tales of the Underground Railroad, described the events of slavery as follows: “It’s a topic in U.S. history that no one wants to talk about, and it was something that left an ugly smudge on America.”
This play was about a man by the name of Solomon, who was born a free man in what is now known as the Town of Minerva, NY, in 1808. He was born in the time of slavery, a time where people like him were enslaved and forced to work on plantations for the rest of their lives.
The docudrama was performed on February 13, at Herkimer College. According to Katy Netti, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, “there was a pretty good crowd, which made the play successful.” The audience had mixed emotions of anger and sadness that this occurred in U.S history.
Tales of the Underground Railroad brought to light one of the darkest eras in the history of the United States.